Aimee Diaz Castro

"There is so much wisdom and love in everything she does. She has made me a better person, a better mom, a better sister, a better wife. Her words always speak to a part of my heart that makes me see light at the end of the darkest paths.”

Samantha Santos Jubarat

"In all devastating events I have encountered, Brenda has provided me with beautiful words of security and bible scripture that makes it all feel better and safe. She was the person that introduced me to God in a way I never imagined, didn't know I could get that close to the Lord.”

Tina Perez
Fountain of Eternal Life Church Administrator

"Brenda, thank you so very much for such a wonderful, informative and outstanding conference! It was a great refresher and beautifully presented. Thanks again, love you!”


"Brenda, el taller de motivación para el personal que colabora conmigo fue de gran ayuda. Tienen mejor comunicación entre compañeros laboralmente. Fue de mucho desarrollo para mi negocio al igual para los empleados personalmente. En sus vidas diaria realizaron metas y sueños que por falta de conocimiento y seguridad no avian podido lograr. Gracias Brenda por su ayuda emotiva." ~Mayra